S1, Episode 33: The Crimes of the Brady Bunch

And it all comes to a close for the Man Named Brady and his bunch. In the final episode of the original series, The Hair-Brained Scheme, Bobby’s get-rich-quick-scheme hair tonic turns Greg’s hair orange the day before his high school graduation. On top of it, Cindy tries to jump on the get rich bandwagon with a really disturbing subplot about breeding rabbits. And where’s Mike to dispense fatherly wisdom? Nowhere to be found, as his creative battle with the Schwartz family comes to an ugly little end. Season 5, Episode 22 of The Brady Bunch.

We go deep into the issues between the Schwartz guys and Robert Reed in our next-to-the-last episode of our own Season 1.  Because, after all, there’s a little Bob Reed in all of us, isn’t there? Or at least in the two of us.

After our final episode on the Brady Bunch in two weeks, stay tuned for Season 2, covering The Mod Squad, dropping June 3.  The original TV show, NOT any silly movie or anything that came after.

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