S2, Episode 7: The Mod Squad

The Mod Squad has 48 hours to find Tara Chapman, who not only is infected with a deadly form of meningitis, but also is being stalked by a hit man and any toady he can convince to help him him. The squad gets no sleep as they scour a very hot Los Angeles to find her. The only cool oasis is a cameo by Della Reese as a blues club owner who provides a nice musical interlude.

It’s Episode 7 of The Mod Squad’s first season: Find Tara Chapman!

S2, Episode 6: The Mod Squad

In “A Time to Love – A Time To Cry,” Dave, Adam’s probation officer buddy, is sure his … client? What do you call someone who’s overseen by a probation officer? Anyway, Robbie, didn’t kill “evil, despicable” Luanne, who was found dead in Robbie’s photo studio after both of them spent an evening tripping on acid. That squad is on it! Including Pete and Linc hanging out at millionaire Jason’s groovy artist retreat and Julie getting a little too close to Dave. WHO’S OLD ENOUGH TO BE HER FATHER. Maybe it was Jason who killed her? Or how about scary drug dealer Hal Kincaid?

Don’t stop loving, Julie. Don’t stop caring. Uh huh.

S2, Episode 5: The Mod Squad

Something suddenly came up, but now we’re back!

In Can’t Tell the Players Without a Programmer, a school friend of Pete’s (beautiful young woman in distress, of course) is being blackmailed over her mother’s fling with a younger man. I know! What a scandal! Of course, they can’t complete the assignment without Julie being used as bait to catch the bad guys…

Guest appearance by our dad’s old college schoolmate Mark Goddard (Don West from Lost in Space!).

A very special 2024 holiday episode

Like the Little Drummer Boy, we bring to you what we can — a holiday gift that includes a sad RIP to Michael Cole, a JonBenet mea culpa, some very special holiday Am I the Asshole discussions, some recommendations, some gripes, and lots of fun!

Happy Holidays and here’s to a great 2025, when we’ll be back with new episodes in January!

If you’re interested in checking out Maureen’s Maine-based Bernadette “Bernie” O’Dea mystery novels, including the just-released Dying for News, click here.

Looking for a cool Crime & Stuff T-Shirt, or another cool shirt designed by Rebecca? Check out her Bonfire shirt site, by clicking here.

S2, Episode 4: The Mod Squad

When Smitty Comes Marching Home… from Vietnam, his nemesis ends up dead and old buddy Linc ends up being conflicted between trying to help his childhood best friend and being fuzz, man.

Great appearance by the awesome Lou Gossett Jr., we get a rare glimpse of Linc’s classy pad, Pete speaks Spanish and Greer laments, once again and not for the last time, “When oh when are kids gonna learn to trust cops?”

S2, Episode 3: The Mod Squad

In Season 1, Episode 3 of The Mod Squad, Julie, Linc and Pete get pulled into a mysterious caper — yes, we said caper — by an affable but dangerous criminal Pete met while going undercover in prison.

A couple groovy buses, some really bad trips, some far-out hippies, and a lot of costumes for Captain Greer, the Squad prevails. That’s not a spoiler, you knew they would.

Julie is now three for three with bad, dangerous criminals showing up at her groovy pad. Time to get a security system. Or at least a peephole.

Looking for a cool Groovy Tube T-shirt? Or another cool shirt designed by GT cohost Rebecca Milliken? Check out her Bonfire shirt site, by clicking here.

If you’re interested in checking out cohost Maureen’s mystery novels, click here. [You can also ask your local book store or library to order them, if that’s your preference].

S2, Episode 2: The Mod Squad

In “Bad Man on Campus,” Linc, Julie and Pete go undercover at a high school to find out why a popular teacher ended up dead under a pier. No, they’re not going to fink on kids! Come on! They want to find out who the adults who are using the kids for their own criminal purposes are.

One groovy highlight: Linc, undercover as a history teacher, gets some very racist blowback from the kids in class, particularly the trouble-making ringleader. He finally blows his cool, saying to the kid with steely anger: “Hey, now that’s a big mouth, friend. How would you like me to come down and put my foot in it?”

Solid, Linc!

Looking for a cool Groovy Tube T-shirt? Or another cool shirt designed by GT cohost Rebecca Milliken? Check out her Bonfire shirt site, by clicking here.

If you’re interested in checking out cohost Maureen’s mystery novels, click here. [You can also ask your local book store or library to order them, if that’s your preference].

S2, Episode 1: The Mod Squad

Welcome to Season 2 of Groovy Tube! In our first episode we take you through, almost line-by-line, the September 1968 pilot of The Mod Squad, “In the Teeth of the Barracuda.” Don’t ask us what it means, we don’t know either.

Over this season we’ll take you episode-by-episode through the ground-breaking show, which had a major impact on our lives. We’ll discuss the actors, plots and stories behind the series, which ran from 1968 to 1973.

It’s definitely very solid, man.

Looking for a cool Groovy Tube T-shirt? Or another cool shirt designed by GT cohost Rebecca Milliken? Check out her Bonfire shirt site, by clicking here.

If you’re interested in checking out cohost Maureen’s mystery novels, click here. [You can also ask your local book store or library to order them, if that’s your preference].

S1, Episode 35: The Crimes of the Brady Bunch

In our last Season 1 episode, we discuss two of our favorite Brady Bunch episodes and some other stuff as we wrap up the series. It’s not good bye, though, just see you later. Season two begins July 15! And it’ll be solid, man.


S1, Episode 34: The Crimes of the Brady Bunch

We can’t leave The Brady Bunch behind without talking about its main character — the house! And what better way to do that than to discuss the HGTV miniseries “A Very Brady Renovation.”

Everyone knows, famously, how the exterior shots of the Brady home didn’t match the interior — either of the set or the real house used for the exterior shots. HGTV bought the mid-century modern Studio City house in 2018 and, with the help of the Brady kid actors and a stable of HGTV stars, managed to recreated the interior down to… well, almost everything.

How does it stack up? We discuss.