S2, Episode 3: The Mod Squad

In Season 1, Episode 3 of The Mod Squad, Julie, Linc and Pete get pulled into a mysterious caper — yes, we said caper — by an affable but dangerous criminal Pete met while going undercover in prison.

A couple groovy buses, some really bad trips, some far-out hippies, and a lot of costumes for Captain Greer, the Squad prevails. That’s not a spoiler, you knew they would.

Julie is now three for three with bad, dangerous criminals showing up at her groovy pad. Time to get a security system. Or at least a peephole.

Looking for a cool Groovy Tube T-shirt? Or another cool shirt designed by GT cohost Rebecca Milliken? Check out her Bonfire shirt site, by clicking here.

If you’re interested in checking out cohost Maureen’s mystery novels, click here. [You can also ask your local book store or library to order them, if that’s your preference].